Saturday, May 31, 2008


Thick, dark clouds.
Strong, cold wind.
Hard rain pouring.
Floody roads, tumbled trees.
Flying roofs, damaged crops.

Inside the house,
watching by the window.
In panic, thinking what to do.
House, shaken.

Purple, Red, Orange, Yellow fruits.
Green trees. Blue Sky.
Beautiful colors, all around.
A sign of promise.

Friday, May 30, 2008


Personal, professional,
living, non-living, service,
product, argument, opinion,
sensible, non-sense.

Lot's of things.
Question is, which?
Decide, can't.
Purse, not sure.
Which, what?

Suggest, will you?
Appreciate, I will.
Anything, welcome.
Help, it will.
Subject, will bring.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Stove, cooking.
Washer, dish washing.
Vacuum, sweeping, dusting.
Washing machine, cleaning clothes.

Soap, cleansing.
Toothpaste, brushing.
Perfume, freshening.
Gels, styling.

Car, traveling.
TV; radio, entertaining.
Computers, processing.
Phones, communicating.

Malls, relaxing.
Bags, carrying.
Drinks, refreshing.
Chips, enjoying.

Lot's more.
Good to have.
Should have.


Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin.
Body's senses.
Colors, to eye.
Sounds, to ear.
Order, to nose.
Taste, to tongue.
Touch, to skin.

Beauty, easily seen.

Music, easily heard.
Fragrance, quickly identified.
Good food, instantly determined.
Pleasant sensation, wonderfully accepted.

Senses, essential in life.

Utilized properly?
Looking around,
question comes to mind.
Senses, natural, or directional?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Up above, blue sky.
Around, clear water.
Mountains, blue and green,
Animals, grouped together.
Wilds, abound.

Fantastic shot.
Clear pictures.
Beautiful cards.
Wonderful movie.
Interesting lesson.

Jungle, everywhere.
Giant trees, standing tall.
Colors, multiple.
Animals, all over.
Noise, here and there.

Animals, man, together.
Man, on giant trees.
Man in the wild?
Wild in Man.


Brand new day!
Another beginning.
Jump off the bed, showered.
Toot, toot, toot, toot.

Phone, awake? Early.
Wondering, who?
Message, opened.

Signal, broadcasted.
Source: BRAIN.
Recipient: HEART.
Processing message.

Generating output.
Body, weakened.

Balance, unstable.

Beginning, left?
End, arrived.
Short, fast.

New Kind

Sunny day! Beach, inviting!
Sand, white! Shores, packed.
People, everywhere.
Dived in, refreshed.

Sea life, colorful.
Corals, fishes, shells, weed.
Wonderful creations.
Exploring, tempting.

Discoveries, many possibilities.
More fishes, corrals, weeds, and
Sea creatures, new kinds?


Idle, inactive, nothing comes in.
Unproductive, don't know what to do.
Play with, idea, none.
Presense, not obvious.
Body, non-responsive.

Motion, not felt.
Surrounding, non-existing.
Eyes, see nothing.
Ears, hear nothing.

Alive? Guess so.
Living, or existing?
Don't know. Think!
Consiousness, restarting.

Analyzing query,
processing inputs.
Receiving OK signal.
GO! Status: ONLINE!

Wake Up!

Wandering in the forest, enjoying every moment.
Walking through a wonderful hidden garden,
filled with beautiful flowers and trees.
What a sight!

Air filled the fragrance of the loverly flowers,
view is soothing to the eyes.
Rainbow of beautiful colors scattered all around.
Eyes blinked, and a strange place came about.

Everywhere, black and white.
Rainbow of colors, nowhere.
Fragrance, stinks.
View, eyes tiring. T

Troubled, afraid.
Need to get out.
Ran, ran, ran.
Nowhere to go.

A loud voice called out.
"Wake Up!". Eyes blinked.
Felt the soft bed with the warmth of blanket.
Relieved. It was just a dream. Or, is it?


Not sure if this will make sense. Just trying to throw off anything that comes to mind.
If anyone (if it does reach someone) stumbled upon my postings, your thoughts over my thoughts will be appreciated. Hope to make some sense one way or another with these random, unorganized thoughts of mine.


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New World

How nice to be out under the sun,
gazing on the wonders around us,
then it hit me; it seems as though,
something has changed.

The glow of greenery fading,
energy of the wild missing,
wonders around, disappearing.
What's happening?

Someone must have heard,
a warm answer I got;
"A New World.". Huh??

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Screaming sound.
Familiar sound, followed.
Gazing around,
a light from a far is glowing.

Curious, feet taken towards the light.

Slowly, picture begin to appear.
Closer, welcomed by a wonderful scene.

Heart warming, excitement,
happiness all around.

Joy, it brings.
Beauty, it is.
Love, it's from.
Ahhh.. A beautiful Gift!

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Sun, source of light, and heat.
Heat, evaporates water.
Droplets of water, forms clouds.
Clouds, blown miles away by wind,
meets other clouds.

Formation, releases stored droplets.
Sprinkled all over.
Runs dip in the group,
flows though a path,
meeting other droplets.
Travels miles back to the ocean.

Circle, a represents a loop.
Loop, method of cycle.
Eveywhere, cycle exist.
Cycle, foundation of life.
World, not flat.

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Thursday, May 15, 2008


Arms stretched,
mouth open wide,
a long yawn produced.
Bored, lazy, sleepy.

Mind, idle.
Nothing come's up.
Digging deeper, darker it gets.
It's all empty.

Eyes, heavy.
Sounds, unclear.
Knees, weak.
Consiousness, giving up.

Shaking, head,
arms, fingers,
body, and feet.
No luck.

A quick glimpse,
energy starting to rise.
Consiousness, recovering.
Excitement building up.

Brain, activated.
Body, supercharged.
System, initiated.
Full speed ahead.
