Thursday, June 5, 2008


Reality, how is it defined?
Is it anything that you can touch,
anything you can see,
anything you can hear,
or does it actually exist?

Are there definite characteristics
on deciding what is real?
Is reality constant, or is it just a variable of life?
Life, is it a reality?

Anything physically seen, heard,
touched, are accepted as real.
Does it, however, mean, they are really real?
Could just be a product of imagination.
Others may argue, something is real, if it exist.

Existense, would refer to something
seen, heard, or touched.
Something that has been discovered,
and may have been explained by science.
What about those that are unexplainable to science,
do these things exist?

If claimed non-existent,
does it mean, they are not for real?
If claimed otherwise,
what explanation can prove they do exist.
Thus, the answer to the question of reality is not clear.

I believe, reality does exist.
It is how you want to define it.
Thus, reality is not based
on what is seen, heard, or touched,
or what has been discovered.

Reality can be created.
People create their own reality.
Anything they want to include
will exist in their reality, therefore,
they would be consired real in their own.

Question is, would it be thoughts ,
or would it be emotions,
or would it be both,
that serves as the basis of ones reality?